January 19, 2013 - Lucan Green vs. Lucan White, News, Novice L/M White, U9, 2012-2013 (Lucan Minor Hockey)

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Jan 19, 2013 | cpfaff | 277 views
January 19, 2013 - Lucan Green vs. Lucan White
Lucan Green played a great offensive game making Lucan White fight for the lead for most of the game.  As a result of some impressive teamwork Lucan White was able to tie the game with seconds left on the scoreboard.  Blake H.  played his position well aggressively attacking the corners.  His determination earned him the title of game MVP.  A shout out to Matthew D. for holding the line and to rookie goalie sensation Johhny V. who worked extra hard in the net today. Great teamwork Lucan White.