2019 – 2020 Programming for Novice and Below, News (Lucan Minor Hockey)

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Aug 06, 2019 | LMH | 2539 views
2019 – 2020 Programming for Novice and Below
With the ongoing implementation of the Hockey Canada Player Pathways, the Ontario Hockey Federation and OMHA have created documents to help players and parents understand the upcoming program for Novice and below.

Additional information can be found by clicking on the following link; OMHA Programming for Novice & Below:

OMHA Programming for Novice & Below

Lucan Minor Hockey (LMH) will be changing the Novice and below structure for the 2019 – 2020 season to align with the new OHF Player Pathway initiative.


Some of the key changes at Novice are:


  • Renaming what had previously been known as “Tyke” division, which moving forward will now be known as Minor Novice
  • LMH will be offering two teams at Minor Novice (YOB 2012).  The structure of these teams are yet to be determined as we await decisions from the Lambton Middlesex Local League (LMLL)
  • LMH will be offering two teams at (Major) Novice (YOB 2011).   LMH intends to run one team that will participate in the Shamrock League, and another team that will participate in the LMLL.   Tryouts will take place in September.
  • Minor Novice Players are allowed to tryout for the (Major) Novice Shamrock Team, and may qualify for a spot on that team if they meet the Evaluation criteria set forth by LMH.    It is expected that some players from Minor Novice will be asked to participate on the (Major) Novice LMLL team this coming season in order for us to be able to offer two teams at (Major) Novice.

OWHA (Girls Hockey)
  • Players with YOB 2012 and 2011 will be combined into one "Novice" category (which follows past years structure).   This has been approved by the OWHA for the 2019-2020 season, but not the OMHA.
  • It is LMH's intention to run a Tier 1 and a Tier 2 team as we have in the past at the Novice Girls Category, with tryouts to take place as normal in September.

There will be changes in the playdown/playoff formats for both OMHA and OWHA teams in Novice, and this information will be announced once the changes are finalized and provided to the associations.

We thank everyone for their patience and understanding as we work through these changes, many of which are still fluid as the leagues in which we participate finalize their structure.
