MLHU Revisions to Section 22 Class Order, News (Lucan Minor Hockey)

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Oct 23, 2020 | LMH | 1483 views
MLHU Revisions to Section 22 Class Order
Early today, the Middlesex London Health Unit made some revisions to the order that they released on Wednesday, which is a significant benefit to LMH as it essentially allows us to maintain our current programming, with a few modifications.     

Here is a link to the new order:   

Below are some of the pertinent details and reminders for us to follow:

  • Two groups of 12 players, plus up to 3 coaches each, (max 25 total) are permitted on the ice at the same time, however, must be separated by minimum 3 meters.
  • In traditional practices, these groups can not mix, and must stay to their own end of the ice surface.
  • During drills,  players must be at least a stick length a part at all times, either during drills or even lining up to prepare for a drill.
  • The two groups are permitted to scrimmage against each other, due to the fact that there will be 10 or less player on the ice at the same time (3v3 or 4v4 plus goalies).
  • Absolutely NO physical contact during scrimmages – players must be a stick length apart.
  • Players on the players bench must be 2m apart
  • Coaches and all on ice volunteers are to wear face coverings at all times, including when they are on the ice.


Due to the reduction of allowable participants on the ice surface (from 30 to 25), we’ve had to change ice times for a U7 and U9 team this weekend.      Please note that U7-5 and U9-B5 will now be practicing at 10:30am on Sunday.    The schedule has been updated to reflect this, and those coaches notified.      

Further changes to ice times at U7 and U9 for next week will take place early next week to ensure that we are in compliance with the recent order from the health unit.


Important Notes and Reminders:


-          If you have not read the LMH Return to Hockey Plan, please do so and ensure you are adhering to the requirements in the plan.  

-          Its very important that spectators are keeping distanced (minimum 2m), and not congregating in the arena.

-          Reminder that NO food or drink is permitted in the stands

-          Players must ensure they are distancing in the dressing rooms, on the ice, and on the players benches. 

   We are making changes to our heath screening process, and you will receive more information from your teams in the near future regarding these improvements.    


The original order from the MLHU was an effort to get ahead of risks that they are seeing in other areas of the province, and also because a number of regulations currently in place for Stage 3 are not being followed by everyone.  Let’s ensure we all continue to do our part to ensure the safety of everyone involved.  



