COVID-19 – Control (Red) Response Level - IMPORTANT INFORMATION, News (Lucan Minor Hockey)

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Dec 11, 2020 | LMH | 2406 views
COVID-19 – Control (Red) Response Level - IMPORTANT INFORMATION
With Friday’s announcement that the Middlesex-London region will be moving into the Control (Red) Level of the COVID-19 Response Framework on Monday, a number of changes are required in order for Lucan Minor Hockey to continue with our Hockey Programming.   

These changes take effect on Monday December 14th, and adhere to the requirements of the Reopening of Ontario Act 2020 ( )


1.   The maximum number of players permitted on the ice is 10  (Sec 13 (3.2))

  • This means that teams will no longer be able to share ice times with another team
  • Based on the number of LMH teams and available ice, while under the red/control response level each team will only be able to have 1 ice time per week.
  • Scrimmages are not permitted, even within own teams, and players must be distanced on the ice during all drills by a minimum of 2m.
  • For teams with 11 or 12 players, coaches will need to structure practices to ensure that only 10 players are on the ice at the same time.   (ex. Coaches may have players rotate sitting on the bench for 5 minutes each during a practice). 


2.   Use of Dressing Rooms is not permitted (Sec 13(8))*

  • There will be chairs available rink side to tie skates and leave belongings.
  • Please ensure players come dressed in as much equipment as possible
  • Its important that players and coaches maintain separation of 2m while preparing to go on the ice and after leaving the ice.
  *this is currently under discussion between our Municaplity and the health unit, however, for now we are to operate under the assumptions dressing rooms are not to be used.  If this is changed LMH will communicate updates to the Team Coaches.



3.   Spectators (Sec 13 (4))


  • According to the regulations, “Spectators” are not permitted; however, one parent or guardian may accompany a person under the age of 18 years who is engaged in on ice activities in the facility.
  • Siblings (or any other child not engaged in on ice activities) are not permitted in the arena, even if accompanied by a guardian.    We understand this may pose a challenge to some families; however, this is being enforced by the Health Unit and must be adhered to.  (this is not new as it was to be implemented during the “Orange” response level, however, LMH has been reminded to pass this information on to our families).


The ice schedule will be adjusted over the weekend and will be finalized by Sunday night to reflect necessary changes to this coming week.   With the impacts of this recent announcement, coupled with upcoming holidays and arena closures – teams will have only 1 ice time between December 21st to January 3rd.    Regular weekly practices will resume the week of January 4th.

We understand there may be concerns about these protocols; however, they are mandatory to allow continued participation in hockey activities during this challenging time.      We also understand that even with these enhanced safety protocols in place, some families may be concerned about sending their child into the hockey environment given the current health circumstances in our region.   This is understandable and no family/player should feel any pressure to attend an ice time if they are not comfortable doing so; however, as always it’s important that you communicate absences with your Coach in advance so practices can be planned accordingly.



We appreciate everyone’s continued patience and understanding this season, as well as all of your efforts to keep your kids involved with hockey and for doing your part to keep our community safe.





