COVID-19 UPDATE - LMH Season to Pause effective December 26/20, News (Lucan Minor Hockey)

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Dec 21, 2020 | LMH | 1276 views
COVID-19 UPDATE - LMH Season to Pause effective December 26/20
As a result of today's announcement by the Province of Ontario in regards to the provincial wide lockdown, LMH is forced to pause our hockey programming effective December 26th, and that will remain in effect until at least January 24, 2021.       

We are all hopeful that the COVID-19 situation in our region will improve to the point that restrictions will be lifted and we will be able to continue with the season after that date; however, that will obviously be determined by the Province, the Middlesex-London Health Unit, and our governing bodies (HC / OHF / OMHA / OWHA).      We will provide more information as we get closer to that date and have a better direction regarding timing and our ability to get our boys and girls back on the ice.    

As previously communicated, it is our intention to fully refund the gate fee and tryout fee that was paid as part of the player registration, and as there will be no ice expenses to the association during this shutdown period, that will also be factored in when we determine the final refund/credit amount.     As we also stated, we will be sending out a survey to our families to gather feedback about hockey programming for the balance of the season once we are able to return, and ask that you complete that survey as your input is valuable as we try to align programming with the desires of our membership.


In the meantime, we would like to offer a sincere thank you to all of our volunteers, parents and players for your patience and enthusiasm during the first half of this unprecedented season.  We wish everyone a happy holiday season and a safe and healthy New Year!  


