LMH - Return Update, News (Lucan Minor Hockey)

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Jan 29, 2021 | LMH | 1380 views
LMH - Return Update
With many local schools returning to in-person learning next week, there have been some questions about a return to hockey as well.   LMH remains hopeful that we will be able to return to the ice to finish our season, but that will obviously be dependent upon direction from the provincial and local governments, as well as health authorities.  

Lucan Minor Hockey plans to provide an update concerning the balance of the season on or before February 11, 2021.   (UPDATE 2/10/21 --- LMH will have an update once we understand the COVID-19 coloured response level we return to after the lockdown ends on February 16).

Thank you once again to all of our volunteers, players and parents for your patience and enthusiasm as we continue to navigate through this unprecedented sesason.

LMH Executive