Hello LMH Families,
Lucan Minor Hockey is excited to once again offer a range of enhanced skill development opportunities for our players this season through our partnerships with multiple, accredited instructors. Below you will find Power Skating, Snipe Academy, and Goalie Development program information and registration links.
Power Skating:
Katrina Jeromkin will be running Power Skating Development Clinics this season.
* Katrina is the Lucan Skating Club - Programs Coordinator and has extensive experience coaching figure skaters and hockey players.
* Katrina is NCCP certified and is a former international/national figure skating competitor.
* Players will learn techniques to enhance their skating power, specializing in edge quality, blade pressure, explosive agility, balance, and control.
Tuesday - 4pm - U9
Oct 18-Dec 20 - 10 sessions - $200
REGISTRATION LINK: https://lucanminorhockey.net/Forms/2071/2022_U9_Power_Skating_-_Tuesdays_at_4pm/
Thursday - 4pm - U7
Oct 20-Dec 22 - 10 sessions - $200
REGISTRATION LINK: https://lucanminorhockey.net/Forms/2098/2022_U7_Power_Skating_-_Thursdays_at_4pm/
Friday - 7am - U11/13
Oct 21-Dec 23 - 10 sessions - $200
REGISTRATION LINK: https://lucanminorhockey.net/Forms/2113/2022_U11_and_U13_Power_Skating_-_Fridays_at_7am/
Snipe Academy:
LMH is proud to partner with Snipe Academy of London to provide various Skill Development sessions to our players this season. More information about Snipe Academy can be found here: https://www.snipeacademy.com/
Wednesday - 7am - U9/11/13
Oct 19-Dec 21- 10 sessions - $200
REGISTRATION LINK: https://lucanminorhockey.net/Forms/2140/2022_U9_U11_U13_Snipe_Academy_-_Wednesdays_at_7am/
Wednesday - 8am - U9/11/13
Oct 19-Dec 21 - 10 sessions - $200
REGISTRATION LINK: https://lucanminorhockey.net/Forms/2166/2022_U9_U11_U13_Snipe_Academy_-_Wednesdays_at_8am/
*players are only permitted to register for 1 session (either 7am or 8am) - NOT both. This is to allow as many players to enroll as possible.
Goalie Development:
Lucan Minor Hockey is pleased to announce that Jason Van Spronsen will once again be running goalie development clinics this season.
· Jason runs his own company called Elite Canadian Goaltending and has over a decade of experience instructing goaltenders.
· Jason has extensive experience coaching junior, university and youth level goalies.
· Jason is a Certified Instructor and is also certified by Hockey Canada and Alliance Hockey to deliver the Goaltending Stream
Wednesday - 730pm (bi-weekly) - ALL ages - $240 (all 12 sessions)
Oct 12-Dec 21 - 6 sessions (bi-weekly)
Jan 11-Mar 22 - 6 sessions (bi-weekly)
REGISTRATION LINK: https://lucanminorhockey.net/Forms/2194/2022_Goalie_Development_Clinics_-_All_Ages/