WELCOME, News, Atom Girls A, U11, 2014-2015 (Lucan Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 05, 2014 | David Landers | 1230 views
I am pleased to be the coach of the Atom A competitive team for the 2014/15 season.  I would like to welcome everyone to the Lucan Irish Atom Girls Rep program for the 2014-15 season. There is some very important information below about the tryout procedure and 2014-15 season.  


After the second tryout session and each tryout thereafter, please refer to the Lucan Irish Atom Rep Girls website for further information/instructions. I will try to have it updated by noon of the following day.  The tryouts will consist of evaluation drills, intra-squad games and an exhibition game(s).  The final roster for the Lucan Irish Atom Rep Girls team will be posted on this website. 

The selection of the team will be done by myself and a group of evaluators. A separate goaltending evaluator will select the goalie based on different criteria. If you have any questions regarding the evaluation please feel free to contact me.

2014-15 SEASON

With the season only weeks away, it is important for all families to know what the program will entail for the upcoming year and what the expectations will be. We are hoping to enter as an Atom A or Atom BB team for the upcoming season and play in the Lower Lakes Female Hockey League. This level and league will encompass some travel for league games.


The girls that are playing for the Lucan Irish Atom Rep Girls team this upcoming year will have many athletic opportunities available to them outside of the Lucan Minor Hockey Organization. These may include school sports and/or club sporting activities.  The coaching staff encourages the girls to be very well-rounded. When it comes to participating in other sports or activities occurring on the same day, provided it is at a different time than a practice or game, is totally acceptable.  Full attendance will be expected for practices, games and tournaments.

*we do want all the competitive soccer/fastball players to honour their spring/summer sport commitments and finish their seasons through the September Challenge Cup tournament, etc. 


We have already entered the Oakville Hornets Hockey Tournament on Sept. 19 to 21st. We have entered this tournament in the A division. This tournament will help to determine the division this team will enter for the season. Other tournaments are listed on the website and include; Windsor, Cambridge, Guelph, London, and Brantford.


We will have one practice per week paid for by Lucan Minor Hockey which is covered under the regular registration fee. As we will attempt to compete at the A or BB level, we will practice another time during the week, giving us two practices per week. This additional practice will have to be paid for by the parents. This extra practice will most likely take place at 4pm in Lucan on the same day every week.


After the coaching staff is put together, we will discuss the possibility of off-ice training sessions for the team. More details will be forthcoming at the parent meeting.


We will have a very strict policy on the use of social media for our team. The expectation will be that no negative/derogatory postings will ever come from any of our players or parents on personal or hockey related subjects.


We will not allow any electronic devices, with the exception of the designated team Ipod for pre-game music, to be used in the dressing room or during any “team” activities. The focus at these times will be on the individuals present. Our hope is that this approach will help the players get to know each other better, build stronger bonds and create a cohesive, unified TEAM.



David Landers


Lucan Atom Rep Girls