Oct 03, 2016 | Dennis Pearn | 995 views
Lucan Novice Girls
The 2016-2017 Lucan Novice Girls C Team’s season is
Our Team Members are:
Faith Hodgins Alyssa Bell
Haley Blommaert Piper Bould
Mallory Damen Peighton Davis
Ashlyn Dobinson Emma Genttner
Matilyn Liddell Leah Marcou
Sofie Pearn Lucie Smith-Rowley
Sophia Soares Mckinleigh Voisin
Broolyn Wragg Rachael Herbert
Our Practices will be Tuesday nights and our Home Games will be Sundays at 4pm. Thanks to all the Parents for all your help and support. Good luck to all the other Lucan Minor Hockey Teams! We’re looking forward to a fun season!
See you at the Rink!