Oct 06, 2017 | Mark Millar | 589 views
Welcome to Team Millar
Now that we've created teams within the IP program I wanted
to introduce myself and the coaching staff to everyone. I'm the head coach
along with Kyle Huffman as the assistant coach and Shawn Smith as the trainer.
Welcome to the team:
Nicolas Bailey
Tenley Braddon
Ali Genttner
Laci Genttner
Porter Huffman
Maverick Millar
Phaedra Paterack
Brodie Smith
Luke Young
We're looking forward to an exciting year. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
· Available volunteer opportunities will be posted on the LMH website to sign-up so you can work off your bonds
· It is recommended to work these off early as there are a handful of events coming up
Cash Calendars
· Please return all stubs to me as soon as possible -- draws start Nov 1!
General Notices & Reminders
· No smoking is permitted anywhere on Lucan Arena property
· Lucan is a Respect Zone arena which means all inappropriate behaviour should be dealt with and/or reported to have the individual addressed -- no one should be subjected to any form of harassment
· Please ensure your children are being properly supervised while at the arena
· No one is permitted on the bench while the zamboni is on the ice. Wait in the hall to avoid water bottles, sticks, or kids going into the zamboni and damaging it
Upcoming Events
Team Pictures – Sunday October 15 – 12:45pm
· Pictures are taken individually and then combined digitally for the team picture
· Have your kids fully dressed except for skates and helmets at least 5 minutes before our scheduled time – a jersey will be provided
· There is open time at 5:30-6pm for anyone unable to make our time
· If you can't make the day at all please let me know and alternative arrangements can be made
· Dunny's Source for Sports will be there with items ordered during apparel night and will be taking more orders if you couldn't make it
Ken Bailey Memorial Tournament – October 20-22
· Bond positions will be available. Check for on LMH website.
Wing Night – Silent Auction & Social event – October 29
· ASK: We need 1-2 donations per team for the silent auction
· This is one of the biggest fundraisers for LMH and great exposure for any business (over 300ppl attended last year)
· Kelsey's supplies the wings