Oct 14, 2017 | Mark Millar | 558 views
Reminder: Pictures Oct 15
Our time is 12:45pm and please remember your new socks/jerseys.
1. Be 5 mins early for your time
2. We won't have dressing room access so please instruct your team to either come partially dressed or put the equipment on over clothes. The committee room and the alcove will be available.
3. Dunny's will be there for apparel
4. 5:30 is an open slot for anyone that can't make their scheduled time.
5. IF you have someone that can' make it at all, please have them contact Ted at
[email protected] ASAP to set something up. He can't process our pictures until EVERYONE has them taken.
6. Print off the order form that I sent you if possible. There will be some paper copies there likely but this is easier.
7. Wing night tickets will be sold there!!