Sep 20, 2024 | Evaluation Committee | 650 views
Tryout Update #2
Due to other centres becoming unavailable for our planned tryout structure we've had to make the following changes. The tryout page has been updated to reflect the following:
The tryout game on Saturday September 21st at 3pm vs Lambeth has been cancelled due to OMHA issues. Instead, all players will continue in the tryout process and participate in an internal tryout scrimmage at this time.
We have secured an additional game on Sunday September 22nd at 6pm in Ilderton. The roster for this game will be posted by 10am on Sunday.
Our apologies for any inconvenience this has caused. The changes have been outside of our control but our adjustments will allow for sufficient assessment to complete the tryout process.
To summarize:
Sat Sept 21 3pm - Scrimmage in Lucan
Sun Sept 22 10am - Roster posted for game
Sun Sept 22 6pm - Game in Ilderton
Mon Sept 23 8pm - Final Roster posted (or earlier if available)