Oct 25, 2015 | Scott Hardy | 1079 views
Austin Holley Memorial Tournament
This weekend your novice rep team was up in Wiarton for their first tournament of the season!
With three games on the schedule your Novice Rep was pumped up and firing on all cylinders!
Our First game was against Bruce Pen Rep. We were working hard right out of the gate and managed to score 2 quick goals and never looked back. At the end of the buzzer we had our first game in the win column.
Our Next Game was against South Muskoka. After a pregame dressing room dance session once again we were ready to go! Scoring a goal again in the first min however this game played out very different it was a see-saw affair that at the end resulted in a Tie
Our last game of the Tournament was against the Shallow Lake Lakers, in the silver medal game. With the game scoreless until the second period we finally came alive scoring a couple of goals. After our second goal was scored we turned to our shut down defence to finish out the game. At the end of the game we came out on top with the win and a shut out, Taking home the SILVER Medal.
Congratulations to the entire team we truly could not have been as successful as we were with out all of you there playing that 100% effort that is so fun to watch!
Lastly special thanks goes out to our outstanding parents and famalies that came out to watch and cheer on your Lucan Novice Rep.
Thanks again to all for a great weekend