Sep 08, 2018 | clambourn | 699 views
Lucan Novice Rep
Lucan Minor Hockey and I would like to thank all kids for trying out for the Novice Rep team this past week. Below is a list of hockey players names that will move forward to tomorrows game in Exteter at 9am to further there opportunity of being selected for the final roster. Should your name not be on this list I encourage you to continue to work hard throughout this season and to monitor the Local league calendar for up coming ice times.
Chase Bilcke
Matthew Brown
Mason Cabral
Scott Dewan
Chase Dukshire
Lucas Gillard
Owen Grant
Jackson Hardy
Elliot Haskett
Austin Hodgson
Ethan Lambourn
Owen Migchels
Logan Parsons
Landon Salomans
Coach Chad