Sep 07, 2018 | Dean Van Hooydonk | 1089 views
this is a list of the boys that are asked to continue in the tryout process.
if your son has a 1 beside his name he is to show up to the game tomorrow at 11am in lucan. if your child's name is not listed please watch the website for the LM ice times.
jack bast
colin Dalton
Nathan fedyk 1
cash flannery 1
Lachlan gilchrist 1
Jacob Gillard
liam hagman
jack hickson
drew kustermans 1
dexter martens 1
Denver mason
Tristan merner 1
ryder migchels
Keaton papple 1
john robson 1
Jacob rollings 1
jaxson ruyter 1
Dylan salter 1
grant Shelton 1
Nathan slight
cole van arenthals 1
kyle van hooydonk
nate van hooydonk
brycen Watson
kohen wickens 1
colin Williams