Welcome to Team Thauer, News, IP - Thauer, U7, 2018-2019 (Lucan Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 03, 2018 | Jason Thauer | 523 views
Welcome to Team Thauer
Hello everyone, 

Kyle Huffman and I (Matilda's Dad) will be coaching your little superstars this season.  Kyle Lawrence will be the team trainer and Shannon Dewan will act as our team manager this year. 

Our schedule is posted now.  Generally, we will have ice on Fridays at 5 or 6 pm and again on either Saturday or Sunday morning.   You can also link team calendar ice times directly into your phone calendar.  If you have difficulties with this, I'm not the one to help you. :) Shannon or one of the other tech-savy parents should be of better assistance. See instructions at bottom of page....

All ice times are shared with other IP teams and some with pre-school or tyke. We'll likely get into games by late November and will be looking to play other centres in the New Year.  We also would like to plan to get into 1 tournament. 

See you at the rink and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Jason Thauer
[email protected]  OR   [email protected]

Here are the instructions for syncing your calendar with your team schedule: (1) Go to your team site (2) Click Team Calendar on left nav (3) At the bottom click 'Subscribe' (4) Pick your options (5) Copy the "webcal" URL that is generated at the bottom  (5) Go to your phone, web, or email client and add a new calendar, typically "Internet calendar" and paste in the URL.  It should start syncing within 1-2 hours.

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