LMH – Return to Hockey – Information about 2020/21 Season, News (Lucan Minor Hockey)

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Aug 22, 2020 | Chad Papple | 1994 views
LMH – Return to Hockey – Information about 2020/21 Season
Dear Lucan Minor Hockey Families,

LMH is continuing to work hard on putting programming together for this coming season based on the recently approved OHF Return to Hockey Framework, and within COVID-19 protocols and guidelines from the Public Health Unit and our Municipality.     This season will no doubt be far different from any other that we’ve been involved with; however, it’s our goal to get our players back on the ice safely while ensuring they continue to develop their skills while having fun at the same time. 

The information below is provided to help you understand some of the changes that can be expected as we enter into the new hockey season.    Please note that all plans are fluid and could change at any given time.


Return to Hockey Framework:

Please find the link below which takes you to the OHF Return to Hockey Framework.  This was developed to ensure that in every phase of the return the safety of our Players, Coaches, Officials, Administrators and volunteers are at the center of the plan and decision making.    


OHF Return to Hockey Framework

Play Structure:

As per OHF guidelines, there can be no tryouts or competitive play until a later date in the season.    It is anticipated that tryouts and return to traditional hockey programming may occur later in the season – hopefully in December – but is far from a certainty.   That would be allowed under OHF Stage 4 programming, which will not take place until the Province of Ontario’s COVID-19 Action plan moves into Phase 3.  

Below are some key changes to note to that will be in place to begin the season:

·       There will no formal league play/structure.

·       Game play will be 3 v 3, or 4 v 4, with no physical contact and modified rules (limited stoppages / no faceoffs / all changes on the fly or on buzzer / penalty shot for all penalties)

·       Players will be grouped into smaller teams, and play within a maximum “50 player bubble”.

·       Players can not practice with, or play with/against anyone outside of their 50 player bubble.

·       Game play is anticipated to be a mix of in house teams (Lucan vs Lucan), with some ages/teams possibly playing against neighboring centers within the same Public Health Unit.  

·       Some ages/teams will be playing cross ice hockey, some half ice, and some full ice. 

·       No tournaments will be allowed until the OHF moves into STAGE 4 of its return to play plan – and perhaps not at all this season

·       It is not anticipated that we will be on the ice until later in September.  


COVID-19 Protocols:

The health, safety, and well being of our players, coaches, and all volunteers within our association remains our priority.    We continue to work in collaboration with the OHF, local Health Unit and the Municipality to ensure that specific return to play plans for Lucan Minor Hockey are approved by all entities.      This plan is still under development, but the following can be expected this season:

·       Limited number of spectators/families to accompany players in the Arena

·       Limited, or in some cases, no use of dressing rooms.   Players may need to come to the arena dressed in their equipment, and stations will be set up to allow for skates to be put on/taken off

·       All players will be pre-screened with a health questionnaire prior to entering the arena, for every game and practice.

·       Physical distancing within the facility must be maintained.


Registration / Refunds:

LMH appreciates that the structure of the upcoming season will be significantly different from what we are used to, and different from what many of you expected when you registered your child for the upcoming season.    As such, we will support anyone who requests a refund, but ask that requests be made by August 30/2020 – as its very important that we know our final numbers ASAP so we can make appropriate teams for the upcoming season.      

If you have not registered yet for LMH, but wish to, then we will consider late registrations up to the same date of August 30/2020.   If a certain category is full, then you may be placed on a waiting list; however, it is our intention to find a spot for everyone who wishes to play hockey this season.

For any requests for refunds or new registrations, please contact Barb at [email protected] .

If the OHF proceeds to Stage 4 in its Return to Hockey Framework, and LMH proceeds with traditional programming, we will allow anyone not registered to re-register for the balance of the season at a pro-rated amount.   That rate will be determined by LMH at a later date. 



We will communicate more in the coming weeks with regards to our return to hockey planning, and thank you for your on-going patience and understanding as we navigate our way through these unprecedented times.

LMH Executive
